Terms and Conditions

If you do not agree to the below 'disclaimer' and the 'Waiver and Release of Liability', please do not proceed with the purchase.

Like any sport, bike riding involves risk. By choosing to ride or let your kids ride, you assume the responsibility for that risk. You must understand that riding a bicycle, electric bike or motorcycle is a dangerous activity that has the potential to cause serious injury or death in the event of an accident. The risks of injury or death can be reduced dramatically if the bike is ridden in a safe hazard free area, maintained correctly and when correct safety gear is worn such as an approved motorcycle helmet and riding protective gear. All children are different and have different levels of skill, physical abilities and judgement. Some children may not be able to operate this bike safely. Parents should supervise their child's use of their electric bike at all times and ensure they ride the bike in a safe area that is legal to your state regulations. Parents are responsible to determine if their child is capable of operating the bike and ensure the speed setting is set to that child's ability. They should only permit continued use if the child is capable of riding the bike safely and in control. Jumping the bike increases the risk of an accident greatly. Jump the bike at your own risk. Parents are responsible for allowing their child to jump the bike.


The owners manual contains the latest information for this model at the time of going to print. Minor differences cannot be ruled out, this may be to improvements in design and reliability that we are unaware of at the time of print. All specifications are non-binding. LPR Bikes Australia PTY LTD reserves the right to modify or delete technical specifications, prices, colors, materials, services designs without prior notice or specifying reasons. LPR Bikes Australia PTY LTD accepts no liability for misprints, deviations from illustrations or specifications. LPR Bikes Australia PTY LTD reserves the right to stop production of a particular model or supply of spare parts for a particular model without prior notice or specifying reasons.

Being fully aware that the use of the product could cause injury, death or damage to property, LPR Bikes Australia PTY LTD or any of their employees, will not be held liable for any loss of damage or personal injury /death that may be caused by their products. It is the owners responsibility to understand current and local laws of using this product before operating. Use of an LPR Bikes Australia PTY LTD bike/bikes/product is completely at you and your childs own risk and hereby waive, release, and discharge and his or her heirs, legal representatives, administrators, and executors for all liability for or by reason of any damage, loss or injury (including death) to myself, my child, or my property which has been or may be sustained with regard to an LPR Bikes Australia PTY LTD product. By agreeing to use an LPR Bikes Australia PTY LTD product, this restricts you the owner from suing or otherwise claiming against LPR Bikes Australia PTY LTD, presently or at any future time, for damage, loss, or injury that may occur to yourself, your child, or your property.

Waiver and Release of Liability:



I, the purchaser of an LPR Bikes Australia PTY LTD product HEREBY EXECUTE this Waiver and Release to release LPR Bikes Australia PTY LTD and all its members, employees and staff of New South Wales on and thereafter the date signed below.


I, the Releasor, am the legal guardian of a child who wishes to participate in the following activity: Use of 'LPR Bikes Australia PTY LTD' kids electric Bikes and products. I understand that by agreeing to this document, I will use an LPR Bikes Australia PTY LTD bike/bikes/product completely at my own risk. I am aware that the use of the product could cause injury, death or damage to property. LPR bikes Australia PTY LTD or any of their employees, will not be held liable for any loss of damage or personal injury /death that may be caused by their products. All safety precautions, rider safety and battery safety, as well as the use of protective body wear is explained to me in the owners manual provided. I understand it is my responsibility to understand current laws of using this product before operating.


I, the Releasor, hereby waive, release, and discharge the Releasee (LPR Bikes Australia PTY LTD) and his or her heirs, legal representatives, administrators, and executors for all liability for or by reason of any economic loss, damage, financial loss, illness or injury (including death) to myself, my child, or my property which has been or may be sustained as a result of my childs participation in the activity, ownership or use of an LPP BIKES AUSTRALIA product, and notwithstanding that such damage, loss or injury may have been caused solely or partly by the Releasees negligence.


I, the Releasor, hereby acknowledge the following:

  1. I have read this Release thoroughly and I fully understand it.
  2. I am voluntarily executing this Release, and would not otherwise be permitting children in my care to participate in this activity.
  3. This Release restricts me from suing or otherwise claiming against the Releasee, presently or at any future time, for damage, loss, illness or injury that may occur to myself, my child, or my property.
  4. I have been granted the opportunity to seek independent legal advice before executing this Release

If you do not agree to the'disclaimer' and 'Waiver and Release of Liability', please do not proceed with the purchase.